Episode 28

To The Moon

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This week, we go in depth on To The Moon, currently available as part of the Humble Bundle. Then it's a Link Between Worlds update and a little Strike Suit Zero for flavor.

If you have any question or comments or want to hear what we think about a particular game, please email us at podcast@bigbadaboomgames.com and we'll respond to them on the show!

On the show this week:
Ryan Cramer - Couldn't get that Neon Genesis song out of his head
Brent Phillips - Missed a real chance to reference Princess Bride as a frame tale
Adam Lindsley - Snuck away like Garrett in the night

00:01:00 - To The Moon
00:30:35 - Link Between Worlds
00:42:22 - Strike Suit Zero
00:52:08 - Spelunky

Music Credits:
Main theme by Brent Phillips