Episode 53

The Woof Among Us

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This week, we give a final verdict on the Wolf Among Us, argue about pricing for the Curse of Naxxramas, and hear some impressions from the Destiny beta.

If you have any question or comments or want to hear what we think about a particular game, please email us at podcast@bigbadaboomgames.com and we'll respond to them on the show!

On the show this week:
Ryan Cramer - Embarrassed by his PCMark score
Brent Phillips - Edits episodes to make himself right. Probably.
Adam Lindsley - Would also club baby seals, given the chance
Rohan Rivas - The witcherest

00:01:25 - Wolf Among Us
00:19:35 - Hearthstone - Curse of Naxxramas
00:28:30 - Magic 2015 & more Nax
00:36:20 - Destiny Beta
00:54:00 - A New Computer

Music Credits:
Main theme by Brent Phillips
Closing theme The Wolf Among Us Opening Credits

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