Episode 41


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This week, the full crew dives into Adam's game, Ephiphany. Also, a long Hearthstone talk and we touch on what's wrong with Titanfall.

Epiphany hasn't been release yet but to tide you over, here's a game Ryan wrote in a month while learning Unity: Polygonathon

If you have any question or comments or want to hear what we think about a particular game, please email us at podcast@bigbadaboomgames.com and we'll respond to them on the show!

On the show this week:
Ryan Cramer - Teach those quadrilaterals a lession!
Brent Phillips - Needs a little more puzzle in his puzzles
Adam Lindsley - Adam: The Game (Maker)
Rohan Rivas - Geoff Keighley fanboy

00:01:05 - Hearthstone
00:17:30 - Monument Valley
00:18:03 - Wolf Among Us Episode 3
00:20:38 - The Final Hours of Titanfall
00:23:14 - Titanfall
00:29:45 - Epiphany, the Game Formerly Known As Adam: The Game - A Game by Adam

Music Credits:
Main theme by Brent Phillips