Episode 64

Nintendo 64

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This week, it's our Nintendo 64 special, in honor of our 64th episode. When we wrap that up, we dive into a couple interesting articles, linked to by name in the time codes below, and catch up on the games we've been playing.

Have some free time? Soak in these video game first level breakdowns. They're pretty impressive:
Egoraptor - Sequelitis - Mega Man Classic vs. Mega Man X
Extra Credits - Design Club - Super Mario Bros: Level 1-1 - How Super Mario Mastered Level Design

Have way too much time? Watch someone beat Mario 64, Ocarina, and Goldeneye in 52 minutes!
Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64 and Goldeneye 007 beaten in under 1 hour!

If you have any question or comments or want to hear what we think about a particular game, please email us at podcast@bigbadaboomgames.com and we'll respond to them on the show!

On the show this week:
Ryan Cramer - Should probably play Vicera Cleanup Detail
Brent Phillips - Gets dolphins and porpoises mixed up too
Adam Lindsley - Chief article locator

00:01:40 - Nintendo 64 - Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Star Fox 64, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, Goldeneye 007, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart 64
00:26:30 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 (with a little Sunshine)
00:37:40 - Shadow of Mordor
00:43:10 - Driveclub
00:46:20 - Destiny & Level Scaling
00:54:40 - Resident Evil 4 & Frictional Games' Thoughts on Alien: Isolation and Horror Simulation
01:05:25 - Real Human Beings: Shadow of Mordor, Watch Dogs and the New NPC
01:08:05 - Heroes of the Storm

Music Credits:
Main theme by Brent Phillips
Closing theme is the main theme for Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64

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