Episode 65

Sid Meier's Boomcast: Beyond Earth

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This week, we talk about Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth and problem games, including games that are too long (Alien Isolation), games that who's graphics don't hold up (Deus Ex), and games that are just plain boring (EVE Online).

If you have any question or comments or want to hear what we think about a particular game, please email us at podcast@bigbadaboomgames.com and we'll respond to them on the show!

On the show this week:
Ryan Cramer - Planning to merge with the Earth's mind for his ultimate victory
Brent Phillips - Has no appreciation for the glory of Talos
Adam Lindsley - Not good at giving headshots

00:01:20 - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth & Sid Meier's Civilization V
00:22:30 - Alien Isolation & Games that are too long
00:31:50 - Deus Ex & Game graphics from the old days
00:37:30 - Morrowind & Skyrim & Skywind
00:43:00 - Perma perma death in EVE Online, inspired by this article

Music Credits:
Main theme by Brent Phillips
Closing theme is Main Title from the Deus Ex OST by Alexander Brandon

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